By Donna Perrone
January is here. Yes, it is a new year and at the Colonic office we get very busy because everyone starts to feel sick. Then, some clients book an appointment and call to cancel because they don’t feel well. What is my response? Get your butt in here! Take a cab, bundle up and let’s get you feeling better!
Why? Because it was a common practice at the turn of the last century that your local doctor administered a high colonic to their patients that were suffering from cold or flu symptoms. What happened? Why are doctors not offering this jewel of a treatment at longer? Industry. People seem to want to take a pill to make the aches and runny nose disappear. Does it really go away with a pill? No!
The body heals itself. If you cut or injure yourself there is no pill that will make you heal. We are alive and our vital life force and the innate intelligence of the body heals itself. The best thing you can do is take the best care of yourself and support that process as much as possible. Here are a few of my natural holistic health tips to support you when that scratchy sore throat or flu symptoms begin.
Get A Colonic! I know. Here is that crazy lady talking about poop again! When there are symptoms involving respiration you can bet that the digestion needs help. In Chinese medicine they will support the digestive system to heal a lung issue and visa versa.
When the colon is full, congested, overwhelmed, and stressed having a colonic can clear out the unwanted waste and congestion to help support the entire body. It can be compared to emptying the garbage pail! The immune system gets a boost. There is increased circulation that allows other organ systems to deal with any stressors better. Mucus is all through your system when you have a cold. Clear it out with a colonic. Help to shorten the duration of a cold or prevent it from getting started.
When 9/11 happened I made the error of walking outside the next day after the towers fell. The downtown area was a ghost town laden with thick dust in the air. I was outside for 20 minutes and when I returned home I had a sore throat. The sore throat lasted over 7 days. I had not become a therapist yet, and therefore went to a center to have a colonic session. I walked into the office with a sore throat and I left the place no longer having a sore throat! I have had more then one experience like this. That is part of the reason why I became a therapist to help you!
Every organ in the body can benefit from Colon Hydro-therapy. Remove toxic build-up and the lymphatic system & blood perform optimally.
Get into a Sauna! Gravity has an Infrared sauna. It has been determined that in the first few minutes of being in a sauna that your body temperature raises a few degrees and increases immunity. A sauna session can rev up the production of white blood cells and rally your immune system to respond for a speedy recovery. As long as you don’t have a fever this can be a great way to sweat out those aches if you feel like you are getting sick. Drink plenty of water.
Get a Coffee Enema at Gravity East Village to detox the liver!
Coffee enemas reduce levels of systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent. According to the late Dr. Max Gerson, a pioneer of coffee enema therapy and its effectiveness as part of his famous Gerson Diet, caffeine and other beneficial compounds in coffee stimulate the production of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver. GST is said to be the “master detoxifier” in the body, as this powerful enzyme binds with toxins throughout the body and flushes them out during the enema process.
Use a Neti Pot. Everyone says they have one but forgot they have one. This can really help whether you feel an infection happening in your nose, throat or lungs. It is all connected. The salt used can help eliminate an infection. I recommend using 1 ½ cups distilled water that is warm and using between ½ tsp to one tsp fine sea salt with 1 or 2 drops Young Living Frankincense oil and/or Purification. Use half the amount for each nostril. Follow the directions given with your Neti pot.
Get Some Rest. This is number ONE! Stop all of the going and doing and get into bed and sleep. Rest.. Rest.. Rest.. and drink lots of warm liquids.
Keep Warm. I know this sounds silly but if you feel a head cold coming on best to keep extra warm. I recommend you wear a woven cap/hat over your head. I mean in the house and when you are sleeping. That means all the time till you are better. Keep some cotton in your ears. This is a huge tip to knock it out. Immunity is increased when you are warm. If you have a high fever you will cool yourself down with cold sponge baths.
Bring in the Heat. Drink a Ginger / Lemon Shot. Here is the recipe. This will chase the sickness out.
Lemon Ginger Cayenne Shot
- 2 lemons, washed well and sliced in half
- 1 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, washed well
- A Pinch Or 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Run the lemons and ginger through a juicer. Strain the juice through a sieve or mesh strainer.
You can also juice the lemon by hand and grate the ginger with a Microplane or ginger grater into a mesh strainer, pressing to extract as much liquid as possible. Stir the lemon juice into the ginger juice.
Stir the cayenne pepper into the juice and drink as a shot.
Therapeutic Oils. Diffuse -Young Living RC, Eucalyptus, Thieves or Purification. Take a large pot and add 10 drops of oils to the water. Put a towel over your head and lean over the pot to bring in the aromatherapy to open up the pathways to feeling better.
Use thieves Lozenges or Thieves oil to soothe a sore throat. Apply essential oils over the chest, under the feet and on your hands and inhale!
Use a Humidifer to keep moisture in the air. Dried Out Sinus is an unhappy Sinus.
Hydrogen Peroxide Bath – This will create more oxygen in the air and help to destroy toxins and organisms in the body. One cup of 35% H2O2 to a full bathtub for a detoxifying bath. Do not do this after 6 pm due to the increased absorbed oxygen may keep you awake.
* 2 quarts 3% hydrogen peroxide
* Bath tub Of Water
* Bath tub Of Water
Pour 1 quart hydrogen peroxide into a hot bath making sure to mix it well to avoid burning your skin. Be careful not to get any bath water in your eyes. Immerse yourself into the water and wait 5 minutes. If there is no reaction to your skin, add the second quart and stir well. Relax and soak for 20 to 25 minutes.
You can add Epsom salts and essential oils to this bath as well.
Eat healthy. Simple food. Avoid sugar. Avoid Dairy. Avoid Junk.
Support Your Lymph. Dry Brushing with a Yerba brush or rebound exercise on a mini trampoline is helpful to stimulate the lymph to drain the toxins out! Always dry brush moving toward the heart.
Get a QRA – Quantum Reflex Analysis session at Gravity East Village to determine how to support your body with nutritionals. The testing can help determine what you need, and how much you need. Call us to learn more about muscle testing with Donna Perrone!