Arul Goldman


70232256740__84ED388C-D013-4A52-B8FC-4430CCB0742CCertified Colonic Therapist

When Arul was 13 years old and eating a hamburger with friends she distinctly heard a voice tell her that she could not eat another bite of that … EVER.  So she stopped mid-burger, mid-bite, and became a vegetarian on the spot.  Her path for her own truth and healing began there, as she discovered a new way of living, eating, fasting and cleansing.

In college Arul made a new friend who taught her how to lose the forever dreaded “Freshman 15” and quickly became a Bulimic.  A few years later after taking WAY too many laxatives, Arul was chronically constipated.  Having only a “rocky” small bowel movement once every 2 weeks, Arul became severely depressed and was labeled by the mental health profession MANY things and was heavily medicated.  Arul knew better.  She knew she was full of toxic waste that was poisoning not just her body but her mind and her heart as well.  Then one auspicious Saturday morning at Crunch Fitness in “step class” another weekend warrior named Shirley confided in her that she had her first colonic.  This was in the mid 90’s and finding a spot for a safe, clean, good colonic was no easy feat!  Arul got the address, went deep into the bowels (get it!?) of Brooklyn to a back room of a community center and had her very first colonic.  The heavens sang and she knew this was the way back to her gut health, her sanity and her happiness.  She went religiously every week and 2 years later she was going to the bathroom all on her own again EVERY DAY!!! It was a true miracle and she knew then and there that this was the work she needed to do in this lifetime.

Arul has studied the whole gamut of nutritional philosophies from Ayurvedic, Vegan, Paleo, Raw Food, Macrobiotic and more.  She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is also certified in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and also has undergone an extensive course in NES Biofeedback, where quantum physics meets the energetic body field. As a lifelong New Yorker and deep seeker who has traveled the globe to learn from the world’s great spiritual teachers, Arul goldMAN has been an integral part of NYC’s wellness scene for decades.

Arul owned SanaVita Holistic Cleansing Center for 13 successful years. She made the tough decision to close those doors shortly before the pandemic of 2020 began. During the months at home with the world in crisis and in the aftermath of the ending of her beloved studio, Arul knew she needed a movement routine that would help her shake off uncertainty and reconnect to herself.  She spent her days rediscovering her love for dance and soon this became a daily practice. This resulted in her recent certification as a dance instructor.

Being a long time practitioner and lover of colonics, Arul would see Donna for her own sessions and decided she would love to be of service to people in this way again!  Hence, Arul has joined the team at Gravity East Village.

Arul’s vision is to continue her journey of cleansing from a place of great curiosity and self-love; she has seen the resonance and results in her clients, herself and her family and is committed to sharing with as many like-minded individuals looking for their own personal transformation.

Merging her two great loves, health and movement, Arul has found a new purpose in this lifetime, and Gravity East Village as an avenue to continue helping others along their own paths to their wellbeing, their good health and their deepest JOY within.

Arul and her beloved children Naturale and Seven reside happily together in their Lower East Side apartment, where all the magic continues on.