Monday, March 8th, 2021
7 PM
FEE: $30.00 Paid In Advance
Please include an email address. I will send Zoom Link and Outline Information.
All Sales Final
Register Deadline: Sunday, March 7th 8 pm.
PAYPAL: Perroned1@gmail.com
Pay as a friend.
VENMO: @donna-perrone-0
CALL: 212 388 9788 to pay by credit card.
Tell your friends and family!
A Detailed Informative Class.
Eczema is a term that refers to an atopic form of dermatitis. It’s general symptom is an inflammation of the skin. It produces a scaling, flaking, thickening, weeping, crusting, bumpy, color changing, and often itching of the skin.
We will discuss in this workshop:
-What causes Eczema?
Allergy, Deficiency, Toxemia, Stress, Digestive Issue
-What will help eliminate Eczema?
-What will help relieve the symptoms of Eczema until the issue is solved?
Although, I am not a doctor I have researched this condition in detail. To cure Eczema means doing your own detective work to discover its cause. I suffered from an extreme case of Eczema due to a deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids15 years ago. I was able to completely cure myself of eczema until 2020. I was able to treat it naturally and have found relief. We will look at the possible cause verses the trigger to this condition. I have a tremendous amount of information to share with you on this subject. I am here to offer help.