Lighten Up at Gravity East Village!
It is Spring Time! It was a long cold snowy winter and spring has finally arrived in NYC! Indeed, New Yorkers are very eager and grateful to have some good weather. Finally!
Spring is a great time to cleanse your body with the use of many of our services.

Drink vegetable juices, green smoothies, savory raw blends that will nourish your body and has a life force that will make for a more energetic YOU!
Whether you are ready to start a fast or just want to do a little Spring Cleaning of your body a Colonic can help you feel your best! Colon Hydro-therapy can aid your colon to clear unwanted waste, cellular debris, mucus, fats, toxins, unfriendly microbes, gas/bloat out of the body. A true cleansing experience involves a colon that avoids reabsorbing waste materials.
A colonic is not just about clearing the large intestine
it supports the whole body!
Click Here To Learn More:
The Real Truth About Food Comes Out In The End..
Gravity is offering Coffee Enema sessions! Your session will include aromatherapy, a castor oil pack and two coffee enema rounds. Coffee Enemas are a great way to cleanse your liver and you can take advantage of a special price when you schedule a Colonic and Coffee Enema package! Call Gravity and we are happy to answer your questions.
Click Here To Learn More:
Enjoy a private Infrared Sauna session at Gravity! Sauna sessions are great for improving circulation, relieving pain, detoxing heavy metals, chemical toxicity, and for removing lotions/makeup from your skin. We are exposed to heavy metals in our environment everyday and it is essential to include ways the body can rid itself of exposure. A sauna session is a wonderful way to relax in our brand new sauna.
Click Here To Learn More:

Treat yourself with self care!Click Here To Learn More:
Have you always wanted to experience a cleanse but not sure how to proceed? Donna Perrone teaches workshops such as Liver Cleansing/Gallbladder Flush, Juice Fasting/Nutritional Cleanse, 7 Ways To Detox Your Body, Candida Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, and Raw Foods/ Vegan Lifestyle.
Schedule a Nutritional Consultation to get started or fine tune what you know to achieve greater success!
Donna can meet with you at Gravity or counsel by phone or Skype.
Donna is a trained QRA Practitioner – Quantum Reflex Analysis, which is a Japanese technique of muscle testing. She can help determine what Nutritionals are needed.
Donna will test you with Premier Research Labs fine quality supplements.
Click Here To Learn More:
Therapeutic Massage Therapy,
QRA – Quantum Reflex Analysis,
Nutritional Consultations,
Sound And Vibrational Healing
We have a staff of certified therapists available if you would like to come in with a friend.
Check out our improved website that includes video bios of our therapists!
Gravity East Village, Inc.