Tuesday, November 19, 2019
7 pm
(Please arrive on time.)
Caravan Of Dreams Restaurant
405 E 6th St New York, NY 10009
Reservations are Necessary! LIMITED SEATING. RSVP IN ADVANCE.
Please Email me your Full Name and Phone # to Reserve Your Seat!
You will be confirmed by phone on 11/18/19.
Enjoy sharing a raw food or cooked food vegan meal with like-minded health conscious friends! Caravan Of Dreams Restaurant is considered one of the best healthy ORGANIC vegan restaurants in NYC! It is my favorite place to eat and I go there on a regular basis!
Make new friends. Invite a spouse or friend if you desire.
Caravan Of Dreams Restaurant offers a wonderful wide variety of vegan meal options. Choose from their large menu featuring soup, salad, appetizers, entree, juice/drinks, and desserts! They have an extensive RAW Food Menu!

You will be able to order anything on the menu. Each table will be responsible to settle their bill. The MINIMUM ORDER PER PERSON MUST TOTAL $25 NOT INCLUDING TAX AND TIP.
Please be respectful. Plan in advance. I expect a large group and my reservation must be accurate! If you cannot make it let us know in advance.

Enjoy Meeting New People! Make new friends, share a healthy meal, network, savor a delicious meal, brings along friends!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Donna Perrone
(P.S. I can’t wait to eat yummy raw food with you!)