‘Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush’
with Donna Perrone

Monday, March 25, 2019
7 pm – 9pm
7 pm – 9pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street NYC
Keypad: 104 Bell Symbol Button
515 East 5 Street NYC
Keypad: 104 Bell Symbol Button
Cost: $25.00 Includes Handout Information Package
Cash Paid At The Door.
Cash Paid At The Door.
To register in advance to secure your seat:
EMAIL: Submit your full name and phone # to gravityeastvillage@gmail.com
OR Call 212 388 9788. You will be confirmed 3/24/19.
This informational lecture prepares you to do a cleanse on your own.
Just about everyone has gallstones. They are formed in the liver and are found also in the gallbladder and the connecting ducts. When doing a gallbladder/liver flush you can pass hundreds of green and beige colored gallstones. Gallstones are primarily made of cholesterol as the main ingredient (95%), bile, and calcium salts. They are congealed clumps of bile that are invisible to any x-ray or ultra sound technology. An ultra-sound will detect a fatty liver when the cholesterol based stones are blocking the liver and ducts and will show a completely white picture instead of black. A fatty liver can accumulate 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function.
Gallstones are a contributing factor to most diseases. Any obstruction in the body will cause stress and toxicity and will be a major reason why people become ill and have difficulty
recovering from disease.
By doing a gallbladder flush you will take steps to restore your liver. You will improve your health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness. A cleaner liver brings a new lease on life. By decongesting the liver and gallbladder the body’s 60-100 trillion cells will breathe more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, eliminate metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with nervous system, endocrine system,
and every part of the body.
There are two methods of doing a gallbladder flush that we will discuss. You will decide which method best suits you. There is a 4 Day or 6 Day ‘Preparation’ to choose from. We will cover step by step instructions and you will receive a handout information package. I will be available to take your phone call if you have any questions during your process at no additional charge.

Check out my websites: http://www.accentonwellnessnyc.com